Yarn: Peace Fleece, color - Mir Atlantis Periwinkle
Yardage: 6 hanks for size 36
Needles: Size US 4 (3.5 mm) and US 6 (4.0 mm) Knit Picks circulars
Estimated Time to Complete Project: 2 months
Modifications: The first thing I changed was instead of working all of the pieces separately, I made the body all in one piece. Then I split off for the armholes and the fronts. I can't accurately describe all of the changes I made, since I veered off from the pattern somewhere. All I remember is noticing that the front cables weren't lining up with the ribbing, so I dropped them down to the ribbing and knitted them back up. It probably didn't save me a whole lot of time (as opposed to ripping it all back), but I just wanted to see if I could do it. It was kind of neat!
I worked the sleeves in the round on two circulars at the same time.

And here it is before the sleeves.

It has been very convenient that I'm taking classes to make my Alpaca sweater at the same time I'm finishing my Central Park Hoodie. It's helped me learn a lot about the different ways to do things. I've found a wonderful (and patient) teacher whose helped me understand what the outcomes are, and has helped me learn a lot about sweater construction. I'm going to pick up for the sleeves and do a short row sleeve cap and work my way down to the wrists. It all works out on paper so I just have to get started.

Your CPH is beautiful! And dude that cupcake is awesome.
Welcome to the club!
I love the way it looks and the buttons look wonderful! Congrats!
dang! I wish I'd gone too!
Welcome to the bandwagon! It's a great pattern, isn't it? And yours looks so beautiful! I thought of doing mine all in one piece, but I've come to the conclusion that I don't like working large sections--it hurts my hands and wrists. I think I'd rather seam.
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