Saturday, May 22, 2010


My year of health continues...

In addition to my yoga 3 times a week, my organic food and periodic chiropractic adjustments, I've decided to Cleanse. A couple of the mom's from my sons class have tried this Clean Program. After watching them go through the detox and the cleanse, I am convinced it's what I need. The transformations that I've seen in my fellow moms have been wonderful. Their energy, their skin and 8 or more pounds have dropped. In the matter of a few weeks.
The book explains it all and really makes sense. I've spent about a week on the Elimination Diet to help my body prep for the Cleanse. I thought the biggest challenge was going to be giving up my coffee/caffeine. But I haven't had any since Tuesday and I'm doing okay. I had a few times where I felt a little tired in the beginning but not the whole "oh my god, I have the flu and shakes and I'm dying" thing. Which is what I experienced when I cut my Mountain Dew habit before getting pregnant with my first son.

I'm so excited about the prospect that I will have natural energy, and feel better than I have possibly ever felt that I am not bummed about giving up things that I like to eat. It's for a mere three weeks and I'll feel better and look better just in time for summer!

The Escondido Renaissance Fair was at the end of April and we went on Sunday, both weekends.

The first weekend I went dressed as a lady and the second as a gypsy. My boys always go dressed as pirates. We bought my husband a blue pirate shirt with black pants to get his costume started. The next thing he needs are some pirate boots, then a hat, then a sword. I figured if we just added to it a little at a time, then it won't be too much of a burden cost-wise. But what I really want to get him eventually is a Pirate Coat from Samiah. That's not actually the one I want for him, but it's not on the website. He's tried a specific one on every year and it's actually quite a bit more (double) expensive than the one on the website. Which has made it quite unattainable for our income. But someday...

I have been knitting a little here and there. To learn and research about things (food and cooking, homemaking, handmade things) I want to know about is time consuming. It is totally worth the effort and my other hobbies that I feel like I actually have a handle on can wait on the back-burner until I figure some of these other things out. I've made 3 hot water bottle covers for gifts, 2 for Mother's Day gifts and 1 for a friend. I've made a little progress on the sweater and sock I'm working on, just not enough to take new pictures.

That's it for now, time to go finish reading A Handmade Life by William Coperthwaite before heading off to the farmers market with Shelly. My research books are starting to accumulate faster than I can read them!

Anyone else think that building a yurt would be really fun and awesome?


Unknown said...

I do I do! About the yurt, I mean. :-)

edina said...

love that ren fair outfit! speaking of yurt, we still have to try out that yoga in a yurt once my arm stops hurting.

have i already told you about this book? i think you might like it - it's available at the county library