Wow, it is really hard to blog when your computer sucks so hard. Every time I tried to get my pictures off of my camera or check my email, CRASH. It's going into the doctor next week, but until then, I have commandeered my husband's laptop. He's not too happy with the arrangement, but I think it will only be for a week. I had to, because I went to this really pretty farm in Fallbrook and have really cute pictures of the animals.
Dottie's farm is in the northern part of Fallbrook, which I think is actually called De Luz(?).
She has two Ramboullet sheep,

2 Cashmere goats,

a donkey,

a horse, and a couple of dogs.

Dottie is the proud new owner of an electric drum carder from Louet. She was so nice and showed us around her farm. I wanted to know what she planned on spinning first, and she showed me the three huge boxes of fleece from her very own sheep. I don't know how much fleece was in each box, but they were too heavy to budge. She opened one up and was showing us, talking fondly about her pet sheep when she asked me if I wanted some. I didn't even have the tact to pause before saying, yes I would! It was just so pretty and soft. I've got to wash this still, but as you can see, it's very clean already.

It was a good day. It started off with a coaches training for my son's soccer team. My husband is the coach and I'm the Assistant (a.k.a. Juicebox girl). We start practice next week and games shortly after. While we were at the training, I got a text from
My Best B telling me that her and
Cupcake were on their way up the coast and would be in my neighborhood around lunchtime. I knew Nancy and I were leaving around then to go up to the farm, but I thought I might still be able to sneak a little visit in before we left. That's when Cupcake surprised me with this...

This, is Italian Angora, straight from Italy. You can read about her trip on her blog. It's one thing to have friends that come back from a trip and bring you a little souvenir. But it's quite another to have a friend bring you a luscious FIBER souvenir from a mill in the country that they visit. It's true friendship, is what it is. She could have spent all of her Euros buying yarn for her stash and come back and shown it to us. I wouldn't have blamed her. Let's just say it goes above and beyond in my book. :)
I have been doing a little spinning. This is a merino wool top, 3-ply, approximately 180 yards. It came out thicker than most things I've spun, but it's still pretty even and I'm happy with it. I think it's a worsted weight, although I haven't checked the wraps-per-inch yet.

And these are the socks I'm making for Son #1. I want to have at least 4 pair for him when school starts. He's starting 1st grade at a
Waldorf school, and I want him to be prepared.

I have a finished object that I can blog about too, but I'll do it tomorrow. Don't want to have all the fun in one day. ;)
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