Sunday, June 29 was Stitch N' Pitch in San Diego!

A few friends and I met at the Encinitas train station for the ride down to the game. When my Best B and I got to the station we immediately saw Wendy and her husband Mark. It was easy to spot Wendy because she was wearing the Baseball socks I made her.

I used my own sock recipe starting with a Magic Cast on, short-row heel and a sewn bind-off at the top. The inspiration for the baseball stitching came from Interweave Knits
Stitch N Pitch sock pattern. Marc was carrying a corona box with a special treat for us inside. Wendy had made us margaritas for the train ride!

Check out the fun label... This particular saying does apply to me when I'm drinking margaritas.

Here's Shelly and Marc and my Best B on the train ride enjoying our refreshments.

Here is the groovy couple that sat across from me and Wendy. Glenn and Rebecca, hope to see you at Jazz in the Parks!

The sights at the game were really wonderful. A lot of knitters, a lot of fun!

Here is a really good husband winding a hank into a ball for his wife who was busy knitting from a chart. Not necessarily the kind of knitting I'm able to do in public, but hey if you have the skillz , use 'em.

Here's Shelly, Marc and Wendy enjoying watching the Padres lose. Badly. According to my husband a losing score like 8-1 in baseball is called, "getting your bats and balls handed to you".

And here I am with my Best B. Love her!

I was able to jump down a couple rows of seats to visit Nancy from Common Threads. Here is her Padres seat cushion she made for the event. I got to see this beauty in progress before the felting. It was very cool to see the before and after. It felted up perfectly and she had a nice cushie seat for the game.

Here's Nancy and me wearing our very cool Padres hats that were part of the give-aways. The hats have Stitch N Pitch embroidered across the back. We also got a ball of yarn and coupons.

And last but not least, the socks at the game.
Name of Project: Baseball Socks
Yarn: Cascade Fixation, 2 balls white, 1 ball red
Needles: Size US 3 Knit Picks circulars
Estimated Time to Complete Project: A week and a half
Pattern Notes: I used my own sock pattern to knit these up and took inspiration from the
Stitch N Pitch sock pattern for the stitching. Used Judy’s Magic Cast-on; Cast on 16. Increased every other round up to 52 stitches. Worked foot for 7 inches. Short-row heel over 30 stitches. Worked up leg putting two 1” red stripes at the top.
After socks were knitted, I stitched the baseball stitching, which was very difficult with this stretchy yarn. My husband said the stitches need to arc in together for them to look like baseballs so I wrapped them around the leg.
A very fun day, and I'm looking forward to next year!
It looks like fun! Or, um, as fun as a sporting event could possibly be! :)
Great photos! Too bad the Padres lost so badly but at least you guys had a good time. :)
Save me a seat next to you tomorrow so you can tell me all the stories!
I am the publicist for the National NeedleArts Association (TNNA) and we are going to be featuring your blog along with others that highlight Stitch N' Pitch. I was at the San Diego event but left my camera battery at home. Can we grab a couple of these shots for our photo gallery on the Stitch N' Pitch website?
Can you email me
Libby Butler-Gluck
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