Monday, January 31, 2011

My very own Hand Socks!

Finally a pair of my own! I made these from two tightly wound balls of unknown origin from My Best B. I thought there wasn't a lot of yarn on the balls because they weren't very big. So I cast on for my hand socks and was going to keep knitting until I ran out of yarn. I turns out I would have had enough to make a pair of socks! But I'm okay with it because these are really cool and I really like how long they turned out.

These were my purse project and I would work on them whenever I had a few moments in the car, or for instance at a Monster Truck Rally.  I like to have this kind of project always on the needles, so now I'm going to have to figure out what to stash in my purse next. I'm thinking of starting a pair of Zauberball socks for my husband because they will just be a basic pattern and they should fit in my purse for awhile.

And one other Finished Object...

A 560 piece puzzle that I worked on with my boys. It took us a couple of days and we all enjoyed it a lot. The four of us gathered around and took turns complaining about the amount of black pieces. I definitely like puzzles with more color in them. But this goes back to my days as a Titanic collector when the movie first came out. I saw it at least 7 times in the theater and then when it came out on DVD I probably watched it 100 more times. I guess that phase passed because I haven't yearned to watch it for years. But it was fun while it lasted. I even started a Titanic cross stitch, but that didn't last long. It was black floss on a dark blue canvas. I bought an Ott lite for the project but even that wasn't enough to keep me from losing interest. Don't laugh, I know I wasn't the only one obsessed when that movie came out.

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