Friday, January 7, 2011

2011 Knitting Boot Camp

Knitters Brewing Company has started 2011 Gift Knitting Boot Camp!

I'm working on making up my wish list of knits but have not yet completed it. I spent a couple of hours tonight going through my magazines, looking up patterns and searching through Ravelry to get my list in order. I'm almost done, but have some fine-tuning to do. If anybody else is interested in joining up, here is the info:

Gift Knitting Boot Camp is for anyone who would like to avoid the stress of last minute gift knitting (know any people like that?) The intent of this exercise is to keep gift knitting in your mind (and on your needles) all year long instead of pushing it out to the third or fourth quarter. Our ultimate goal is to have all gift knitting done by Thanksgiving! Each month, we’ll assign you an Action to perform and Report on, and if you succeed, you’ll be awarded that month’s Virtual Badge of Honor!
Action: January’s assignment will be a little bigger than other months since this is our most important planning month. Don’t be scared - it’s all good! Boot Camp is supposed to be a little challenging, isn’t it?
This month’s action is to build a gift knitting plan. Don’t worry about having it perfect this month, we’ll continue to fine tune it as we go.
  1. On some paper or on your computer, create a table with three columns. Label the columns “Who”, “When”, and “What”.
  2. In the “Who” column, list all the folks who you would like to knit gifts for this year. If they are super lucky people that you will knit for more than once, then list them more than once. It’s OK to put yourself on the list, too!!!
  3. In the “When” column, list the holidays or dates that you would like to give gifts to each of the names on your list. Below, I’ve posted a list of this year’s most common gifty holidays that might be useful.
  4. In the “What” column, list the pattern or item you want to make for each gift if you know it.
  5. Pat yourself on the back - that was the hardest part!
Now take a look at your list - what things could you do in January to make progress on that list?
  • Which gifts are due the soonest?
  • Have you finalized pattern selections for the gifts due the soonest?
  • Do you need to do some yarn shopping? (oh no - not that!)
  • What could you start knitting?
I’ve posted a this little Gift Guide that might be helpful for you as you decide what knitting to do this year. You can use it to record your plans, and keep it in your knitting bag, or carry it with you to the LYS. Just click here to download the pdf. If you print it two-sided, you can fold it as shown in the photo.
image title
Report: To earn your January Virtual Badge of Honor reply to this thread by 1/31/11 (after you complete your action) and tell us briefly about your progress.
  • How does your list look? Is it feasible?
  • What patterns are you thinking about making? By sharing ideas we can help other undecided knitters to finalize their selections.
  • What’s the first project you are going to start on, or have you already started? WIP photos always appreciated!
Good Luck, and Have Fun! From Wendy the Head Brewmistress at Knitters Brewing Co.

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