Friday, February 12, 2010

Ravelympics 2010


Now I'm committed! After much indecisiveness about whether or not I could commit to a project I've made up my mind. It helped that women (I'm looking at you Wendy and Janelle!), who have a lot more commitments than me this month, are not be wussy and making it happen. 

My project is the Swirl Shawl from Jojoland. My goal: To complete 24 swirls during the Winter Olympics. Right now I have 9 swirls done. If I can complete 24 swirls in the next 17 days, I will have finished the first row of the shawl and completed the second row. That's about 1.5 swirls a day, which is going to be very challenging because it takes me about 1 hour and 15 min to make one swirl. And to take the time to knit one and two swirls a day is going to be a real commitment and require me to neglect some other aspect of my life. (Housecleaning, I'm looking at you!) At the end of this goal I will have 30% of my shawl completed and probably be able to keep going to finish it sooner rather than later. I'm guessing I will have the 16 round pattern memorized and have sped up the actual amount of time it takes to finish one.