These were my purchases for the day. One crazy looking merino/cotswald batt with purple and green in it with some sparkly stuff. Reminds me of Wicked, and anything associated with that, makes me smile. It is a One of a Kind from Susan's Kitchen and I'm really excited about spinning it to see how it comes out. Could be bad, should be good, won't know until I do it. It's that kind of suspense that keeps me going.

A Triple Play Roving from Crosspatch Creations. I bought one of these last year and had a really fun time spinning it. Some crazy yarn resulted and I'm not sure what to do with it yet, but that has never been the point. We'll see how this one comes out, it has to be good with these crazy colors.

And a sweaters worth of Malabrigo Silky Merino in Blackberry. I got this at a discount, which is why I went for it. It wouldn't let me leave without taking it home and I'm really glad I did. It is so beautiful that I may just fondle it for awhile before I decide to wind it.

After exhausting ourselves shopping, we went to an area noodle house where we were joined by knitters from Orange County whom we have met before at Stitches events.

And as if being with like-minded, fun friends wasn't enough of a treat, I received two birthday presents. My beautiful stranded socks from ItShe, which are so beautiful and fit perfectly. I had seen them on my birthday, but they had been re-possessed for finishing.

And Cupcake surprised me with The Harmony Guides 101 stitches to Knit. Son #2 and I had a fun time at the library where I was laying them out so I could plan a project. These two were his picks. I told him to hold them up for the camera and he put on his excited face for the picture.

These two were my picks, but I have a hard time going against good taste, which son #2 does have.

For more pictures of the festival, Wendy wrote a great post on her blog about it. I'm definitely on the wagon for next year's festival!
1 comment:
Yay! Pictures!
That was totally fun. I can't wait til next year.
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