Friday, June 10, 2011

School's Out!

We will be experiencing a change of rhythm around my house very soon. Today was the last day of Son #1's third grade year and now it's time for summer! To get myself back on track with blogging and to organize my projects I'm going to write one big blog post with all the things I haven't been able to record and start from there.

What I've Finished
Hang Ten Socks by Wendy Gaal
Hang Ten Finished (7)
We had some nice warm weather for awhile and I was able to really feel the summer surfin' while working on these at the beach. The pattern was a fun knit and once I was past the cuff, I was able to surf right along.

Merry Socksters by Irishgirlieknits
Merry Socksters FO
The second shipment of the Rockin' Sock Club this year. Really fun colors and the pattern went perfectly with it. These are definitely happy socks!

What I'm working on
Parallel Twist (the left sock) by Jeannie Cartmel
Parallel Twist WIP (1)

Lavaliere by Cecily Glowik MacDonald - I don't have any pictures of this WIP yet because it just looks like a blob at the moment. But it's a really cute top-down cardi worked in my Sapphire Blue Road to China Light yarn that my Best B got me for my birthday last year. I love knitting with it so much I'm trying not to hurry but the project is actually going pretty fast because it's the one I pick up the most.

What I'm going to be working on very soon
3rd Shipment from the Rockin' Sock Club - Transition Point by Star Athena
STR May 11 (1)

 Bridge of Roses sock kit by Wendy Gaal from Knitter's Brewing Co.
Bridge of Roses
This is the 2011 Fundraiser for the Susan G. Komen foundation. It is themed for Portland because we will be at Sock Summit this year!

After Hours Shawl by Wendy Gaal. I have already made one of these as a gift but would really like one of my own to go over my summer dresses. I picked out Sweet Lavender for the color. This project only took me a week before so it'll be a quickie.

My Gift Knitting Boot Camp Update: I've finished  6 projects so far that were on my list with 5 left to go. I think I'm going to make it!
Dreadlock Boys (5)

* DONE! Hubby - Zauberball Socks
* DONE! Hubby, Son #1 and Son #2 - 3 Rasta Hats
* DONE! Son #1 - Hang Ten Socks
* DONE! Son #1 - Burnin' Hot Hands Gloves

Son #1 and Son #2 - Sep - Scarves
Son #2 -  Sep - Fingerless gloves
Son #1 and Son #2 - Christmas - Prairie Boots

So thankful summer is here! I have my boys all to myself and lots of fun planned. Lots of hiking around, laying around at the beach, and lots of knitting!

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